Social Media and Communication Skills

My favorite social media platform is still Facebook, despite all of the recent concerns about their practices. I have reconnected with so many old friends and family. It’s easy. We all enjoy sharing favorite photos and life events. My dance mom friends and I like to share some videos. I only have a few friends who share 20 times a day or tend to pose a bit. I like the flexibility. I don’t appreciate Facebook’s algorithm for its app. I don’t see all that’s posted like on the website. If I click “Recent” that means I want all that’s recent. Not their selection. They should save that for NewsFeed or whatever the little house means.

Of the different ways of communicating we’ve explored as a class, I think I’ve preferred podcasts slightly over blogging, although the technical challenges of audio recording and editing have been hard for me to deal with. I read blogs and I do look forward to writing more of them. There’s a connection I get from the podcasts--the human connection). A really great writer can do that as well though. Facebook has the benefit for me of not being fully public. Just friends and friends of friends. It can be a bit overwhelming with blogging and podcasting to think anyone can read or hear the posts. I do like the idea of Facebook groups of “like” communities – it’s a nice in-between place between private and fully public.

Communication and Soft Skills

Communication skills these days are more than the ability to write and speak effectively and clearly. These skills can be used through many ways of representing yourself or your organization: blogs, ads, website text, videos, voice-over, customer service, managerial skills, and being a good co-worker. Soft skills (also known as people skills) include the ability to communicate effectively, flexibility in dealing with co-workers, managing others, dealing with managers, and handling (and caring about) customers.

Social media success is highly dependent upon both excellent communication skills and well-developed soft skills. These skills help any organization’s success. An organization should want to present itself effectively and have successful employee relations.

Within an organization, both the manager and the employee need to clearly express their needs. Skilled and engaging writing and presentations (blogs, videos, websites, ads) contribute to a successful social media presence. Customer service interactions are very direct through social media and require flexibility and responsiveness. Tech savvy is only one part of a social media presence and an organization’s success. Communication skills contribute highly to the ability of an organization to present itself as it wants to be publicly perceived through all media, including social media.


Doyle, A. (2019, June 25). Important Social Media Skills That Employees Value. Retrieved from


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