Comparing Social Media Sites & What's Skype and IM?

Comparing Social Media Sites


Largest: over 1 billion active accounts
680 million/305 million active accounts
6 billion hours watched per month
Communication, sharing, real-time interaction
Read the latest, communicate, and share in 140 characters
Video portal
Basic Features
Connecting to friends and family on Facebook; Easy to upload photos and comment and reactions with emojis/GIFs
Chronological posting; topic sharing with hashtags; users directly addressed using @
Watch and comment on videos on almost any topic; become part of a community who follows particular youtubers
93% of all marketing specialists use FB; largest reach of all social media
Most retail companies use Twitter; instant feedback by customers/users
Social influencers use YouTube; marketing uses this avenue and is increasingly posting stand-along videos
Yes – share icon
Yes – retweet icon
Post Photos
Yes -- Easy
As a cover page to the video
Post Videos
Limits w/in regular page; Separate video area allowing real-time comments and reactions

Cover Photo and Profile Photo; create and/or join groups; create personal profile; “friend”
Profile photo; short profile; follow; create a survey
Subscribe to channels; thumbs up or thumbs down
Has own marketplace; actively suggests new pages/products/brands based on likes and activity on homepage
Ads and suggests new accounts to follow based on prior activity
Ads and suggested vendors
No, but YouTube videos on gaming are immensely popular as are live gaming videos
Ease of Use
Very high
Easy to get familiar without an account; easy set-up of account
Very easy to search, watch, save and comment on videos
Utilize Contacts
Often suggests you recommend to your contacts; feature that searches for people you might know
Twitter suggests trends based on general popularity and those who you’ve followed.
YouTube suggests videos based on your likes and viewing history
Ads can be overwhelming; suggesting activities for your contacts can become invasive; the app’s algorithms leave out posts
Instant feedback and character limit and topic grouping via # can snowballing controversy. General public can knowingly or unknowingly take over a media campaign
Strong competition within any type of video posting guarantees swift and intense criticism
Users often unaware of public vs. private and the ability to share selectively to protect privacy. Could do more to emphasize security elements.
Little security with all posts public; use of bot accounts creates false impressions of followers and retweets
Ads can be inappropriate as can be suggested videos.
Instant Messaging
Offers IM through Messenger
Direct messaging
Reviewer’s Comments:
I highly recommend Facebook for anyone interested in creating and maintaining long-distance relationships as well as local groups of friends. It’s an easy way to reconnect and to stay up-to-date with local events, promotions, your groups’ activities. It’s a way to get daily motivation or encouragement. Features like Jobs and Townhall give a feeling of your favorite newspaper. Although privacy issues plague Facebook, it still offers the most for your effort.
I recommend Twitter for the politically engaged and those interested in the very latest pop culture. Twitter trends influence news and culture. I recommend users be aware of new followers; I have blocked accounts that are obviously bots (canned phrases and little twitter history). Always be aware that all posts are public!
YouTube videos are great for following the arts or to learn how to do something. It can even be your job! It is working to improve protection of children. YouTube is facilitating the creation of videos. It can also become an obsession. It is most like watching TV and allows access to episodes and videos.

Digital Guide, (May 8, 2019). The most important social media platforms at a glance, IONOS. Retrieved from


Skype is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service. Voice data is sent in packets using the internet allowing calls and video calls without phone service. There is peer-to-peer encryption. It is low cost, pay as you go with Skype to Skype and instant messaging being free.

Skype is more than just the video phone or meeting service I thought it was. It encourages the creation of groups and chats to be a combination of instant messaging and video site. It was easy to download and has a search function. Disadvantages are that there are no emergency service calls and the call quality can be affected by bandwidth. Although no longer the most popular VoIP provider, it is the service that made the world aware of and using VoIP.

I have used VoIP for business meetings and I thought it was amazing. So much easier to use than video teleconferencing in the old days! I haven't thought to use VoIP instead of phone service. I think eventually we will all use it more as the phone providers keep raising prices! Although, when there have been power outages, cell phone service was restored first.

Unuth, Nadeem, (August 21, 2019). What Is Skype and What Is It For? Lifewire. Retrieved from

Instant Messaging (IM)

There are many ways to message someone instantly using the internet. There are services dedicated to IM such as Viber, ICQ, and Pidgin. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other social media sites have their own messenger or direct messaging services. Many email services also have IM capabilities such as AOL, Yahoo, and Google. In addition to reaching online friends or business associates immediately, chat groups can be created. The user can talk, stream, play sounds and videos as well as share files and links.

IM will facilitate more work from home and better worldwide business collaboration. As IM services also incorporate VoIP, communications are likely to change dramatically. The workplace will be less and less one, brick and mortar location. Worker happiness may improve as schedules get more flexible. One concern is that IM can interfere with downtime. Like work texts, there may be no escaping the job. Supervisors might exploit instant availability to workers. 

I have to admit, I rarely use IM. Most of the time, I don't want to be reached instantly. I find the group chats to be the most useful when planning or sharing. When I use IM, it's through Facebook Messenger.

Cooper, Alison and Tyson, Jeff, (March 28, 2001). How Instant Messaging Works, Retrieved from


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