
Showing posts from November, 2019

Comparing Social Media Sites & What's Skype and IM?

Comparing Social Media Sites Facebook Twitter YouTube Size Largest: over 1 billion active accounts 680 million/305 million active accounts 6 billion hours watched per month Purpose Communication, sharing, real-time interaction Read the latest, communicate, and share in 140 characters Video portal Basic Features Connecting to friends and family on Facebook; Easy to upload photos and comment and reactions with emojis/GIFs Chronological posting; topic sharing with hashtags; users directly addressed using @ Watch and comment on videos on almost any topic; become part of a community who follows particular youtubers Commercial 93% of all marketing specialists use FB; largest reach of all social media Most retail companies use Twitter; instant feedback by customers/users Social influencers use YouTube; marketing uses this avenue and is

Social Media and Communication Skills

My favorite social media platform is still Facebook, despite all of the recent concerns about their practices. I have reconnected with so many old friends and family. It’s easy. We all enjoy sharing favorite photos and life events. My dance mom friends and I like to share some videos. I only have a few friends who share 20 times a day or tend to pose a bit. I like the flexibility. I don’t appreciate Facebook’s algorithm for its app. I don’t see all that’s posted like on the website. If I click “Recent” that means I want all that’s recent. Not their selection. They should save that for NewsFeed or whatever the little house means. Of the different ways of communicating we’ve explored as a class, I think I’ve preferred podcasts slightly over blogging, although the technical challenges of audio recording and editing have been hard for me to deal with. I read blogs and I do look forward to writing more of them. There’s a connection I get from the podcasts--the human connection). A re

Three Web 2.0 Concepts

Collective Intelligence I chose collective intelligence as a concept that illustrates the best of what all of us can contribute and gain from universal access and interactive contributions. (O’Reilly, 2006) When there’s an opportunity for many people to interact and contribute to a problem or to respond to an issue, there’s the potential for more than just quick, snappy comments or eye-catching photos. For example, when an issue and perhaps a person representing an issue becomes more than just that issue. Collective knowledge, concern, and future action over that issue can be influenced. Unfair and abusive behavior can be checked by the larger entity of concerned citizens. An example of the power of collective intelligence in action is Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish climate activist. A young girl in Sweden who is different than a lot of her classmates realizes the importance of climate awareness. She has an idea to strike each Friday from school. Instagram photos and tweet