What is an RSS Feed?

How can I keep up with what’s happening online? You might search the same sites online everyday and look to social media to keep you informed of what’s new in your favorite things or subjects. An often overlooked solution is the RSS feed. (Lacoma, 2019)

It does not involve algorithms designed to feed you what a site thinks you might like. You choose exactly what updates you want. It’s stripped-down content from favorite sites you’ve chosen. RSS feeds update automatically and give you a custom delivery straight to your device. 

RSS feeds are an alternative to all the noise social media sites might force on you just to get your favorites’ updated content. RSS feeds update even if you’re aren’t online, allowing you to get the latest on your schedule. (Lacoma, 2019)

RSS feeds provide 100% content control without publishers being able to sell your information. Your content comes to you via a feed reader. Any personalized homepages you might use such as My Yahoo use RSS capability. (Copyblogger)

To subscribe to a feed, look for a “chicklet” like this: 

RSS feeds benefit readers who are more and more wary of giving out their email. RSS also benefits website publishers to help their readers get what they want with the least amount of discomfort or effort. (Copyblogger)


Lacoma, Tyler, What is an RSS feed?,  https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/what-is-an-rss-feed/, August 21, 2019.


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