RSS Feed gadget issues

I have to admit I had some serious issues getting the RSS Feed gadget to appear. I searched for directions and I followed them, to no avail. After several hours (!), in great frustration I finally asked for help from my husband who has programming experience. Turns out the Feedburner final two steps make sense to a coder, not me! The copying of the provided code to another gadget area was just not at all clear to me (not having done any of this before). It felt like a real accomplishment to get it done, but I felt sad I needed help. I think this is a perfect example of directions being provided by and for people already in the know. If I haven’t used Blogger before (or any other blog site), how could I have known about that gadget area even existing or where it was? Sometimes a couple more steps need to be clearly stated for those of us newbies! Living and learning...


  1. Your blog site has me rethinking a few of my entries. Thank you providing a different prospective.


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